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  • Estació d'Esquí Masella
  • Av. Peu de Pistes s|n
    17538 Masella - Alp

Meteo Tosa

La Tosa d'Alp - 2500m

Temperature4,7 °C
Humedity74 %
Speed wind at 10m5,5 m/s
Wind direction at 10m177 °
Wind direction of maximum gust of wind at 10m172 °
Global solar irradiation156 W/m²
Low temperature4,5 °C at 08:19 h
High hemperature6,5 °C at 01:23 h
Low humidity39 % at 01:12 h
High humidity88 % at 06:54 h
Maximum gust of wind at 10m6,8 m/s at 08:03 h
Feiners: 8 to 16 h
Holidays and weekends: Closed